An Evening with 'Low Roar'

Honestly, all together, I'm not too sure how much I really have to say about these images. If I have anything to say, I suppose, it'd be best to start here: this day began as me simply attending a concert. I arrived a few hours early to reserve my standing room somewhere towards the front (as I presumed any excited concert goer would) and because I overestimated the popularity of the bands performing I was the first one in attendance (this included having arrived before the band members). I didn't have any prior arrangement to photograph the band - my camera just happened to be in my car. I simply showed up and decided I was interested in taking some pictures of subjects that, at the time, seemed far off from "photographable". I started talking to people (specifically Ryan, the lead member of 'Low Roar') and with a bit of effort and the extension of the welcoming natures of others I was invited to hang around and take some photos.

I suppose the message I hope to share with this brief diegesis is this: If you want something, reach out to get it. As bald as the tire tread is of this message it remains able to support the vehicle with which we travel: You are the only one who will make the changes in your life that you wish to see. 

As Bukowski put it: "Your life is your life." 

Special thanks to Ryan, Alton and David of 'Low Roar'!