Give Me Photography, Or Give Me Death

Lately, I've been really trying -- for the sake of my various passions. This morning, as I was trying to catch a delayed 5:15 am sleep train (headed to 9:30 am), to  try and get on with the rest of my packed Thursday with some semblance of sanity, I, as I staggered towards my sleepless fate, came across an Instagram post by photographer/videographer Jake Miller (if you haven't seen his work, go have a look because it's great.). The post read: "Do what you love till it's your job." The immediate refreshment a creative soul needed to go from sleepless to restless. I thought to myself: "I'm trying ...". Which spiraled into further thoughts, ending in: "I should take a picture of this moment - 'The Moment I (Admitted I) Was Trying'. Anyways, here is a picture of me trying -- for the sake of all the things I love. 

You can find Jake on Instagram at @jakemillerfilms