For Those Who Watch Nothing

I feel torn between several ambitious projects that are very nearly finished, but each remains stuck at their own individual indefinite cruxes. I feel like I can’t publish work because I have no idea where to begin. I don’t want to publish old work because I don’t want to misrepresent where I am at in terms of skill level (technical and artistic), but I feel as though I have not yet earned the right to publish new work because the old work is then “forgotten” in some dusty corner of yesterday. When I go to share work here I hope to have it paired with writing unless I feel that the images are powerful enough to stand on their own. Most of the time, however, it feels like I’m only offering half of the equation (by putting forth just images or just writing) because the images are as loved as the words. I have plenty of article ideas that I’m simply hoping … I don’t know, ferment over time? They’re good ideas, I just worry about whether or not they are “good enough.” I follow this by running my head into the wall of a question “is anything ever truly going to make it beyond the finish line of “good enough” to allow me to provide it the seal of completely finished?”

I faced this specific problem once before when it came to pondering “how much post production should an image go through?” — sitting here behind the computer, my heart a wet sloppy rind, I remember: the anxiety fades when I start the work; the rest always sorts itself out. This very entry didn’t know its ass from its face when I put down the first word — my hands just knew the words were present. As the great David Bowie once said “the moment you know, you know you know.”

Anxiety is my most ferocious creative clot and praxis my greatest laxative.

About the image:

This character exchanged a glance for the use of my phone. I didn’t ask him to pose (not even so much as a “hold still”); I didn’t say anything outside of the confines of what felt like normal conversation to receive this expression. Life brought it all together.

He desperately needed to make a call to his mother, who he didn’t actually end up getting a hold of and at one point the traffic of the Stater Brothers parking lot we were in built up so heavily behind him that it forced him to need to take a lap around the lot. He didn’t announce his plan and his immediate speed made my brain reflex to the idea that that was the last time I would see my phone. He finished up a call with his cousin, asked if I was interested in taking a paid photo opportunity, exchanged information with me and then sped off into the remainder of the day.

I have not heard from him since.

Man 0198 2.jpg

A Brief and Honest Word

The only certainty I have when beginning this entry is that it must start with the most truthful of proclamations: THE ABSENCE OF WRITING, PHOTOGRAPHS AND VIDEO IN THIS SPACE IS NAUSEATINGLY UNACCEPTABLE — though, I must interject against my own attack. I have kept incredibly busy working on new content, however, this is not an acceptable excuse for the egregious neglect of my own portfolio. Instead of listing reasons for the site’s barrenness, I intend to rectify this simply by sharing the content I’ve kept busy with.

My aim is to post here at least once a week while I continue writing, adventuring, photographing and filming. As a related aside, a while back I settled on the decision to relinquish barriers between me and my creativity. I will no longer be using a separate account to post my photos, as I wish this to be all my life consists of.

Hope you all enjoy what is to come.

To the Marcus Cocova of July 13 2017, I am sorry; I’ll do right by you soon.

and finally: if your heart isn’t in it — FUCK IT OFF!

Give Me Photography, Or Give Me Death

Lately, I've been really trying -- for the sake of my various passions. This morning, as I was trying to catch a delayed 5:15 am sleep train (headed to 9:30 am), to  try and get on with the rest of my packed Thursday with some semblance of sanity, I, as I staggered towards my sleepless fate, came across an Instagram post by photographer/videographer Jake Miller (if you haven't seen his work, go have a look because it's great.). The post read: "Do what you love till it's your job." The immediate refreshment a creative soul needed to go from sleepless to restless. I thought to myself: "I'm trying ...". Which spiraled into further thoughts, ending in: "I should take a picture of this moment - 'The Moment I (Admitted I) Was Trying'. Anyways, here is a picture of me trying -- for the sake of all the things I love. 

You can find Jake on Instagram at @jakemillerfilms

An Evening with 'Low Roar'

Honestly, all together, I'm not too sure how much I really have to say about these images. If I have anything to say, I suppose, it'd be best to start here: this day began as me simply attending a concert. I arrived a few hours early to reserve my standing room somewhere towards the front (as I presumed any excited concert goer would) and because I overestimated the popularity of the bands performing I was the first one in attendance (this included having arrived before the band members). I didn't have any prior arrangement to photograph the band - my camera just happened to be in my car. I simply showed up and decided I was interested in taking some pictures of subjects that, at the time, seemed far off from "photographable". I started talking to people (specifically Ryan, the lead member of 'Low Roar') and with a bit of effort and the extension of the welcoming natures of others I was invited to hang around and take some photos.

I suppose the message I hope to share with this brief diegesis is this: If you want something, reach out to get it. As bald as the tire tread is of this message it remains able to support the vehicle with which we travel: You are the only one who will make the changes in your life that you wish to see. 

As Bukowski put it: "Your life is your life." 

Special thanks to Ryan, Alton and David of 'Low Roar'!


Well, if you're here and this is the only thing you see, then you're one of the few who will be able to say they read through the first post here. This space is sure to change frequently, as it will serve as the 'home'/'update center' where I will catalog my latest camera capers. I don't want to spoil what is to come, but I can say that I am excited to share these images with the world. Geronimo ...